Notes on what to write about - Handbook 🢅5
Estoy leyendo este handbook🡭 y voy a tratar de tomar notas.
El libro esta dividido en 5 partes:
- ideas
- first draft
- rewriting
- style
- practice
Note that there are many ways to write. I’m sharing approaches that I find most reliable. There is no right or wrong way—only what works best for you.
- When writing, consider listening to atmospheric music.
- people read nonfiction to feel. que quiere decir? que siento yo cuando leo cosas? siento que me motivan a hacer algo, siento que yo quiero hacer eso, me pasa mucho con los blogs de {{self-hosting}}
- You find novel ideas by pursuing your curiosity and noting what interests and surprises you along the way
- Resonance is when ideas take root in readers’ minds. It’s the art of capturing their imaginations and relating to their life experiences so that they feel
- Writing Quality = Novelty x Resonance
- El primero paso es elegir el objetivo, por que quiero escribir algo?
- creo que compartir conocimiento y que otros puedan usar las herramientas que yo uso, es una buena motivación personal
- desglosar tecnología que parece compleja en partes mas simples.
- aprender y enseñar sobre como funcionan las cosas en el nivel mas básico
- tratar de sacar el mayor ruido del medio, las cosas no son tan complejas como parecen, el conocimiento es gratis y esta al alcance de todos
- que te motiva? ej:
- Does writing this article get something off your chest?
- Does it help reason through a nagging, unsolved problem you have?
- Does it persuade others to do something you believe is important?
- Do you obsess over the topic and want others to geek out over it too?
Your objective clarifies what you’re trying to accomplish, and your motivation ensures you actually see it through
A great intro—like an electrifying opening to a film—buys goodwill with readers. Buy enough goodwill and readers look past the weaker parts of your post—because they’re chasing the high from your great opening.
- narrative
- vas a contar una historia, de algo que te paso, vas a narrarlo
- research
- arrancas mostrando data, “tome mis datos cardíacos durante 1 mes y te muestro los resultados”
- argument
- arrancas con un argumento, algo que vas a demostar mas adelante por que crees que es verdad.
- ej: There’s a reliable technique for getting yourself to sit down and write—to completely break through procrastination every single time.
con el hook solo no alcanza, hay que darles un contexto, para que el lector puede engancharse y querer seguir leyendo.
While a hook pulls readers in, skepticism is what pushes them away.