Tags definition

List of tags

This list shows what tags i’m using and a brief explanation, by doing this i’m trying to order what are my interests.

Tags are like metadata for information. If we do not tag information, we don’t know what are we saving and why we are doing it, with tags we try to make some classification. Tags can give that context or try to do it, before we finish reading the information. Information can be anything, like a book, a blog post, a simple sentence or a quote.

I think it’s important to simplify tags, by doing this we focus on things that matter to us, there are lot of information in the internet, if we have a simple list of tags we can focus on what really matters to us.

  • #productivity
    things related to become more productive, new tools and methods.

  • #quantified-self
    things related to self-tracking tools and methods.

  • #development
    things related to software development.

  • #selfhosted
    things related to self hosting services.

  • #generative
    things related to generative code, it can be art, music, tools.

  • #research
    things that i want to research and learn

  • #ideas
    things i want to do or reproduce

  • #digital-garden
    things related to digital gardening