Flutter dev environment with docker and vscode

{{Flutter}} for local development

This is a list of steps to get running flutter inside docker with vscode dev container support. The idea is not to install all the dependencies needed to run Android emulator and Android Studio locally. With this, when you open the project in VSCODE it’s start a new dev container (docker) with the project running.

How to get emulator running

  • download docker image flutter-docker🡭 with android emulator and all dependencies
  • run the following command to get the image running:
xhost local:$USER && docker run --rm -ti -e UID=$(id -u) -e GID=$(id -g) -p 42000:42000 --workdir /project --device /dev/kvm --device /dev/dri:/dev/dri -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -e DISPLAY -v "$PWD":/project --entrypoint flutter-android-emulator  matspfeiffer/flutter
  • open dev container in vscode
  • inside vscode deb container, run: flutter emulators --launch flutter_emulator. This will open the emulator with a full android device working.
  • run build runner: flutter packages pub run build_runner build

How to install VSCODE dev container


  • flutter clean clear all assets and file, that were generated in dev and debug session.
  • flutter build apk to create a .APK inside build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/app-release.apk

Faq’s y tips

  • en pubspec.yml se definen las dependencias y los assets. Seria como un pseudo package.json
  • flutter pub get para instalar nuevas dependencias
  • en vscode con el plugin de flutter y trabajando adentro de un container, funciona todo muy mágicamente.


  • command and build process to generate a production and app store ready application