
Psychological flexibility is the ability to feel and think with openness, to attend voluntarily to your experience of the present moment, and to move your life in directions that are important to you, building habits that allow you to live life in accordance with your values and aspirations.

Turn toward our discomfort and disquiet.

Psychological Rigidity, where we try to run from or fight off the mental challenges we face, and we disappear into rumination, worry, distraction, self-stimulation, work without end, or other forms of mindlessness, all in the attempt to evade the pain we’re feeling.

Decirse a uno mismo “soy una buena persona” sirve es necesario, pero hay momentos en los que puede jugar una mala pasada, como por ejemplo cuando la estamos pasando mal, ahi nos hace sentir peor.

alexithymia🡭 : the inability to know what you are feeling at all.